By Mi-Ling Stone Poole –

Through the years, I have received numerous questions from women seeking advice about how to design a space that is masculine and feminine.

The problem occurs when men don’t want to be involved in selecting items for the space, or the woman just takes control and doesn’t consider the ramifications of creating a space that is too frilly.

Let’s face it. A man needs a man space but he also would like to feel comfortable in his home, so tone down the frills, ruffles and pink and give your man a space he can call his own.

We have all walked into a bedroom that is layered with pillows, lace, tassels and ruffles and wondered how the husband handles living in the space, undoubtedly biting his tongue as he wakes up every morning to a bedroom layered with flowers.

Most men just quietly accept the style and design taste of their mate.

Recently I interviewed HGTV’s Michael Payne, the original host of “Designing for the Sexes,” and he shared some of his secrets that will help couples blend their taste together to create a beautiful space.

He suggested:

• Couples should flip through separate magazines and when each finds a desirable photo, place a sticky note on that page, then switch magazines and pick another favorite.

• Payne said most men prefer modern or contemporary styles and women tend to lean toward a more traditional style.

• He warned women to STOP adding tassels to EVERYTHING in the house.

• In the bedroom, cut back on pillows on the bed. Most women load up the bed with way too many pillows and then have to dig deep to find the bed.

What’s your take on tassels?
